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ICEHOUSE Project Space opened its doors in September of 2018 with the presentation of Dan Devine’s “Inside-Out NASCAR.” This endeavor, organized by KK Kozik in an historic 18th-century icehouse on the town green in the center of Sharon, Connecticut, is a venue for site-specific projects that, in one way or another, demonstrates artists’ engagement with the specific spot where it stands.


The projects executed there, which now number 19 and whose makers include among others Mark Dion, Eric Aho, Janet Biggs, Richard Klein, Kristin Jones, Lisa Hoke and Ryan Frank, have tackled topics ranging from the iron industry of northwestern Connecticut, the decline of winged insects, native versus invasive plants, the gardens surrounding the icehouse, various utterances by William F. Buckley, Jr. (famous resident of Sharon) as well as the historic ice industry. 


With each project, the investigation of a new facet of natural and historic life on Upper Main Street in Sharon transforms the icehouse from a small outbuilding into a locus of contemporary art installation.

Project 18

Contra Naturam, a collaborative project by Janet Biggs and Davian Robinson

Project 18

Project 17

Michael Ballou, KK Kozik, Katia Santibanez and James Siena in Psychedelic Solstice

Project 17
Project 16

Project 16

Kristin Jones's "ON SITE: In Time"

Images below by T. Charles Erickson